Thursday, August 08, 2024
Have you ever felt like you were doing everything right, but nothing was falling into place?
Like you’re chasing the vision that God has given you for your business, but the doors just aren’t opening?
Trust me, I’ve been there.
Today, I’m going to share some powerful lessons from the Christmas story in Matthew 2 that show how God’s timing, the unexpected twists and turns, and our immediate actions can shape our journey in ways we never imagined.
Give yourself the next 14 minutes to meditate on God's Word because this could be the breakthrough perspective you need to keep moving forward in your business and life.
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I'm really glad you're here and I'll see you next week,
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Thriving in Family and Business:
39 Time Saving Strategies For Christian Mompreneurs.
Have you thought about starting your own business from home that will leverage your time and resources?
A business that is flexible enough to accommodate your schedule - even if you only have an hour a day to work on it?
One that doesn’t require a large startup fund, especially if funds are really tight right now?
Founder of The Christian Mompreneur
I help Christian moms achieve financial stability from home, offering Bible reflections and practical tips. A former videographer and video coach, I love God, my family, learning new things, and sharing helpful insights. I pursue joy and strive to honour God in all I do. I'm from the UK so, although I'm spelling mom the American way, the rest of my content will be with the English spellings and accent!
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